Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Arizona recount, where are we?

 As the nation watches the Arizona forensic audit is happening before our eyes. With as many as t
hree cameras focused on each table, we are literally watching live. So many want to know what they are looking for. Many Americans mailed in ballots and these ballots required a special envelope that were required for mail in ballots. What if I told you that somehow some of these mail ballots made it inside these envelopes without a crease anywhere on the ballot? These would be an amazing feat considering the ballot itself was about 6 inches longer than the specified envelope. What if I told you that several hundred creaseless mail in ballots were spotted in the earlier recount. Lets talk a little on the earlier recount. When this recount took place, it seems like a unbiased, transparent process until you look a little closer. In a triggered audit, the election authority will select 50 batches of ballots prior to the election and only 25 of these are used. When I say batches, these are ballots expected to come in from a precinct. There may be as many as 9000 plus batches in Arizona and only 25 are selected. This is where it gets a little sticky. The person that selects these batches could likely know ahead of time if these batches had any fraudulent ballots in them. A good example, one neighborhood has a high amount of apartments where residents rarely stay for more than a year. If voter rolls are not purged, then each apartment could register as many as 5 family units over the last 5 years. ( a family unit in this case would be any adults over 18 years old and registered to vote). If you have shady people living in these apartments, they could fill out and mail in as many as 10 or more ballots. This is how fraud occurs and this is just one example of how it can be covered up. 

We all know now that the election process is far from perfect. Even in Adair County we saw first hand how flawed it is. The recount of Novinger after a system failure by our own dominion machines caused a change in vote total that changed a tie vote to a 1 vote victory and in a county wide race an individual picked up 4 additional votes. It is time to keep an eye on our election process, it is time to open new polling stations in Brashear and other outlying areas. 

Monday, April 26, 2021

Adair County Health Department, a new board.

 Monday April 26th new Trustees were sworn in to the Health Department board of Trustees. Some new faces will now serve as committee members and some will continue to serve in positions they held previously. Vern Playle will serve as Chairman, Shirley Riley as Vice Chair, Robin Darr as Treasurer, Brenda Higgins as Secretary. First order of business was to approve the agenda and next is the publics opportunity to address the board. One citizen exercised his rights to public comment during this time. The resident thanked the board for removing the mask mandate and then questioned why the publicly funded Health Department was offering the morning after pill (Levonorgestrel). The citizen felt that offering this pill contradicts the primary goal of health by ending life. Objections came from Brenda Higgins comparing these pills to standard preventative birth control. 

The single dose of the morning after abortion pill is highly concentrated and is different than taking extra birth control pills. The morning after pill can stop a pregnancy from occurring but sadly it most often destroys a fertilized egg after conception has occurred. During ovulation  the women can conceive within minutes of intercourse ( yes, I said minutes), the abortion industry would like you to believe that the morning after pill only stops conception from happening. 

After much discussion, some members were unaware the health department offered such services and vowed to research the topic more. This topic should appear on next months agenda. 

A brief synopsis was given as to the direction of home health, if all goes as planned Home Health will be fully operational effective today. 

Clinic services enlightened the group on several topics, including procedures for communicable disease. The group learned of a Adair county resident that is TB positive and currently under isolation. This unnamed individual appears to be from the Congo area and must be watched daily to confirm their daily medication is taken. This procedure can take up to six months. Discussion was also had in regards to Ebola. It appears that anyone traveling in and out of the Congo must go through a process in accordance with CDC guidelines.  

New business included the continuation of the 10 day quarantine, a May 15th Rabies clinic in Novinger, and the announcement that the Clinic will open May 3rd by appointment. 


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Climate change?

 Today we see a real climate change. No, I am not talking about weather. This climate change has to do with the way people act. Have you noticed that certain political talk can really get people nerved up? Maybe it even gets a little heated. I have seen tempers flare and blood pressure rise just watching posts on social media. Maybe its time to step back from these polarizing topics and get back to the basics, nay I say the good ole days ? 

There are many different personalities out there and each one is interesting in its own way. I happen to be one of those "water off a ducks back" kind of guy while some of my best friends lose their mind if someone says one negative thing about them on Facebook. To those that take it personal, the best advise I can give is to consider the source when getting down about a not so friendly post by someone you have never met. 

The climate on social media can be cooled down many different ways. When a hot topic starts to boil, keep opinions to yourself. The wonderful opinion may be 100% accurate but nay
sayers will pounce and shout about how you cant cite specific "studies". A couple reputable links that support your facts can work wonders. If  data backed up by reputable sources wont do the trick, try to appeal to a common ground and work from there. If you can find that common ground, it becomes easier to cool down the entire conversation. If all else fails, don't be so stubborn that you cant just walk away. Most social media arguments will never get resolved but the heat can continue for days. Take it from someone that has seen all sides of social media, it is not worth messing up your day over a social media heat wave. 

Why BIG government loves inflation

                                                INFLATION!!!  That dirty word that we all have become more knowledgeable about than we ever...